It's not even wedding season yet and I'm already getting little to no sleep because of shoots and editing! Bring it on!! I am so incredibly excited about all these weddings this summer.
Well this weekend was nuts! I had two senior shoots in Tulsa that I did solo and they went great! Molly and Jenna rode with me into Tulsa because after the shoots we picked their two older sisters up from the airport because they all ran the hogeye marathon relay together! so fun!! We ended up staying in Tulsa until about midnight before I drove us all home. I've made the drive to and from Tulsa plenty of times, but running on only 4 hours of sleep and being in the sun all day shooting, is really draining! I drove back and it felt like I was driving for days!!

The next morning we all got up (fairly) early and I did a sister shoot for Molly and her sisters at the farmer's market! It was really nice and they turned out great! Immediately after I had to work one of the booths for the hogeye. I took photos for it and left from there to go straight to Rogers. I met Maura there and we hopped in the car with Iain and Corrie and headed out to Eureka. This shoot was beyond words incredible!!! That couple was so much fun. One of the best things I am learning about being a photographer is the awesome opportunity I have to really gain some new relationships with people. And not just being acquaintances but really becoming friends. It really shows up in the photos if we are all genuine with one another. I especially like doing engagement shoots because of the journey I get to see unfolding before me of their transition to the wedding day. By the time the wedding comes around, I know that we will be more like friends with awesome cameras rather than their photographers!

Now I have the week to recoup and get some editing done (oh yeah, and do school work). I am happy to announce that I have a family shoot tomorrow with my good friends and their new baby boy!! Just booked that about 10 minutes ago as I was writing this up!!
hope you enjoy the pics.
until next time